Monday, September 29, 2014

Love Lessons

Everyone is searching, searching, searching. Everyone is looking for...what...they don't know. They are not awake. They are still asleep. I was there for most of the days of my life. You have read of my journey with Jesus, which is ongoing, and you are hopefully beginning to understand what this journey entails. But, I would be remiss if I did not tell you the most important part of this journey. It is very personal and very important. It unfolds differently for each and every one of us on Earth. Because each of us is unique, even though we are all children of God, our Father. There are no chosen people. There is no chosen one. If only we unlearn what we have been taught all of our lives and become open spiritually and open our hearts to learn what we have known all along, then we are able to learn the Spirit of Truth. We are born of unconditional Love and we will return to unconditional Love. In between is the journey in the human flesh, which is temporary. The spirit, the soul, never dies. It is eternal. We hear this over and over and over from different sources, but until we fully embrace this concept of being a spiritual being contained in human flesh, we will not understand. We are not human beings with a spirit, a soul. We are spiritual beings clothed in human flesh.

The journey in human flesh teaches us many lessons in Love. The progression may be different for each of us, but some basic truths are contained in these lessons in Love. I can only tell you how these lessons evolved in my life. Your lessons may be very different than mine. And come to you at very different times in your life than they came to me. Of course, I have written of the day I met Jesus, the messages that seemed to come to me before I even heard them from my Teacher (Jesus), and how my transformation from the cocoon to the beautiful butterfly began. But Love, everything. Love is All. And as you no doubt have heard, Love is All All All. If you have experienced this type of Love born of the Spirit of Truth, you know this. If not, well...quite possibly you are sleeping and need help in awakening to the Spirit of Truth. It has changed my life. And many others.

I have alluded many times to you that I did not have a normal childhood. That is where my description of my childhood will stop at this point in my life. I only mention it for this subject. Most of us are born of parents who are our human source of teaching unconditional Love and Trust. I did not have that, and I suspect there are many of us out there who did not have it either. We are the ones who are sleeping, maybe in a career, a troubled marriage or other relationship, or the church. We have surrounded ourselves with material possessions and friends we constantly look to for approval and social activity. We stay busy. We are stretched to the limit monetarily, emotionally, physically and keep a calendar for our activities. We remain securely wrapped in our human creation of our own safe cocoon. We follow the crowd.

I remember the moment of perfect clarity that I fell in Love with God during my lessons with my spiritual Teacher. First I laughed, then I cried. Why had I never felt this way before. Where had I been all my life on this earth as a human. It was, well...indescribable. Awesome. Uplifting. Freeing. For me this was my first Love lesson.

To fall in Love with God is the most awesome and inspiring thing mortal man can accomplish in his or her lifetime. It is the realization that to find God is to go within yourself, and in turn begin to fall in Love with yourself. The indwelling God. We are all born with a part of God inside, because God created us in His image, He placed that particle of Himself within each of us. We just don't know this. We have been taught to seek God outside of ourselves, in Heaven or in others, or in books, or religion. No. We must spend time in silence, alone, and only then will we find God and hear Him speak to us. The heart pounds, it is hard to breathe, the palms get sweaty, but if we can learn to just breathe and relax, there He is in all His glory. And once we find Him, we can do it over and over and over. Sometimes, He approaches us in times of terrible tragedy, and then disappears, because we are not ready to know Him yet. This was the case for me.

So now, we are in Love with God and can call on Him at will for courage, grace, dignity, unconditional Love and so much more. Now, we also begin to Love ourselves. We want to take care of this human flesh because we want to experience more and more of this beautiful Love and Peace we have found. So we start by doing all the right things for this human flesh and we stop abusing it. We eat healthy, we live clean, we get outdoors in nature to renew the spirit, we quit smoking, we do all the right things as much as possible for this human flesh. This is falling in Love with self. Self care. Respect for the human flesh.

And how do we learn what is good for this human flesh. Jesus. I am a Jesusonian. I belong to Jesusanity. I belong to Jesus. Jesus is my teacher and my Brother. Jesus and I spent a lot of time together. Jesus was a patient and Loving Teacher. He taught me by first getting me to breathe and relax. His Love for me was unconditional. He and God were the Loving parents I did not have in my life. He and God became my foundation for my life. Jesus taught me to Love myself. Slowly, over two years and several months, Jesus spent time patiently teaching me about me. Jesus taught me how to find myself. Jesus taught me about self care by caring for me. Really caring for me as his Sister. Suddenly I felt powerful, strong, Loving, patient, conscious, and filled with Love. I fell in Love with myself. Wow. I realized I did not need anyone else. I could choose who I wanted to spend time with and how I wanted to spend that time. I could choose to let go of negative people and just walk away and never look back. I could choose to let go of negative thinking and just be happy with me and walking in the sunshine. It was all up to me and Loving myself.

And the last Love lesson came from that. I fell in Love with Love. I am still in Love with Love. You don't need another human to fall in Love. Fall in Love with Love. It is empowering and you will be happy. Because you choose to be happy. And then you blossom. You shine. You become Love, pure and golden. And Love reigns supreme. Over everything else on the face of this Earth. Love is all there is, Love is you, Love is God, your Father. Love is your Brother, Jesus. Love is every other human on the face of this Earth. Your Brothers and Sisters. Then that Love becomes brighter and brighter and shines out on this Earth. And that comes back to you, thousands, millions of times over. This is our way to lasting Peace on this Earth. This is the only answer to all that is wrong on this Earth.

Love lessons. There is a lot wrong right now on this Earth. But there are still so many out there who are praying for a way to make it right. This is the way. Jesus is truly the Way, the Truth and the Life. Love is the way. A new world is coming. A brand new world. We speak of the Harvest, which is the next lesson in my journey. We are amidst the Harvest in this world today. Learn the Love lessons....and join me in the new world when the shift comes. These words are strange to you at this moment. But you have felt something stir inside of you....I felt it also. I still feel it. The pull. The attraction to his kingdom on Earth.

Stay with me on the journey. And remember the Love lessons. Love is All, All, All......

Copyright/Susan Steeley 2014

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