Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Set Your Spirit Free

Dear Self,

Well, another year is coming to a close. Many blessings and much learning of Life. It would seem the circle of Life is never ending. But of course, on an individual level, you have to wonder what comes after this life clothed in human flesh on this world. The soul will endure and live on with our Father in Paradise, and then perhaps, another destination on a different world. Or, if we don't get it right this time around on this world, perhaps back here. Will we remember how many times we have been here....will we evolve to a higher level. Will we remember the lessons we learned here before. Is this what deja vu is all about. I don't even pretend to know these things, but I do know if we establish a personal relationship with our Father, God, Creator, the soul will endure and live on as He chooses. I know this for a fact. Truth. So maybe it does matter what we say and what we do and how we live and how we treat each other.

I have had many trials and tribulations in this life. But I have also had so many blessings, for which I am eternally grateful. Blessings usually involving my friends and many kind strangers who became my friends. I have heard it said many times that people appear in our lives for a reason, and I have come to believe this is Truth also, for the people who have come into my life always have something to either teach me or learn from me. Friends may come and friends may go, but some have had a very significant impact on me and on my life.

I do know that life is precious, and so very fragile. Life as we know it on this world. We should enjoy each and every minute of each and every hour of each and every day, as we may not come this way again. We should never look down and never look back. We should never worry about the future, as our Father knows our future and His Love is pure and His Wisdom is Divine. Trust in Him and He shall carry you through the days to come in your life and after your human flesh has been shed. We are not human beings with a spirit. We are spiritual beings clothed in human flesh.

This world is in turmoil now, but this world has been embroiled in terrible turmoil and strife before. Violence and blood on many hands. Hatred and prejudice born of ignorance. And then, calm and warm, sunny days for a period of time, until the next time of violence and blood. The cycle of Life. If you want to make God laugh, just tell Him of your plans for your future.

Set your spirit free. Open your heart and Love. Love this world called Earth. Love each other. Find something in each and every other soul you meet to Love and hang onto that. Don't let go when you find a kindred spirit, a soul that is loving and strong. A soul you learn from, teach and come to Love. You will know when you have met a soul like this. You will be drawn irresistibly to a soul like this. And if your spirit is free, you want to spend all your days with a soul like this. Do it. Do it for yourself. Do it for the one who has the loving and strong soul. Don't miss taking a chance for the most beautiful experience on any world. This much I know at this point in my life.

Copyright/Susan Steeley, 2014

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

For The Love of God

"For the Love of God, what is wrong with this world? For the Love of God, what is wrong with those people? For the Love of God, why did you say that? For the Love of God, have you lost your mind? For the Love of God, why did you do that?" You get the idea. Just turn on the news and watch for a few minutes. You will see something that begs one of those questions to be answered, but where do you go for answers? Sometimes it is, "For God's sake, stop that. For God's sake, do not say that again. For God's sake, don't even go there. For God's sake, would you look at that? For God's sake, this world is crazy." And now, on the internet, "OMG. Oh My God." We are all asking God, but are we asking the right way? Are we? Think about it.

Let me propose something new. We are on the verge of something different, something new, something. I don't know if it is good or bad. What I do know is, it will be what we ask for on this world. We are children of God. God listens to His children. We need to be careful with our words. Our words are powerful. What we pray for, we will receive in our lives. What we say becomes our reality. And I firmly believe in Divine Justice. I also believe in, what you sow, you reap.

So instead of saying those words above, or anything you catch yourself thinking might be negative, or worse, dangerous, stop and think about what and how you speak and pray. How about this: I pray this world will be filled with Peace, for the Love of God. I pray all my Brothers and Sisters around the world will reach out to each other equally, for the Love of God. I pray the anger and division in this world will end, for the Love of God. I pray for understanding, for the Love of God. I forgive those who do not understand what they say or do, for the Love of God. I pray that the jobless will find meaningful work to provide for their families, for the Love of God. I pray that the homeless will find shelter, for the Love of God. I pray we end the division in this world, for God's sake and our own well being. I pray we reach a point of at least understanding each other, for God's sake. I pray we stop saying "OMG", and instead say a prayer to God.

And do not forget, no one comes to the Father, but through the Son. In your life, strive to live as Jesus lived. Try to walk in Peace and Love as Jesus did, and Love Jesus. For the Love of God.

What will you say or do today and going forward "For The Love of God"?

Copyright/SusanSteeley, 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Living Souls

We are not human beings with souls, spirits. We are spiritual souls clothed in human flesh. The flesh may age and die, but the soul never dies. This is eternal life. Life as our Father, the Creator, designed for all mankind. If we are awake and aware of The Spirit of Truth indwelling in each of us, planted there by Jesus when he ascended to our Father at the center of the infinite universe. Jesus promised he would not leave us even as he died on the cross. He promised he would send the Spirit of Truth to mankind on Earth in order to help us know the way to follow him. The way, the truth and the life.

And so, when the flesh perishes, the soul is gathered in the Guardian Angels' arms and carried to our Father, where we will dwell for thousands of years with our Brothers and Sisters, along with Jesus, until it is time for us to return to Earth again. During this time we live with our Father and continue to evolve into light and perfect, pristine Love. Love so pure it is golden. We must learn more and more and rise to another higher dimension each time the soul makes this transition at the time of the death of the human flesh, and we eventually return to Earth in another suit of clothes, another human body. This is evolution. The real evolution. And when the next shift comes and we move to a different frequency and dimension, we will be evolving yet again, as we have done countless times before. Some of us remember, most of us do not, at least not yet. But this is going to change. The metamorphosis of the less desirable creature in its warm and safe cocoon of "religion" and the "church", will soon morph into the beautiful butterflies of all sizes, colors and shapes, to follow the light of Love and the Spirit of Truth as taught by Joshua Ben Joseph. Together we will "Follow Him" and return to our Father, from whence we came.

But first, we must fulfill our destiny on Earth as humans, in His kingdom. And we will be unable to fulfill our destinies on Earth until we are awake. Joshua Ben Joseph (Jesus) returned to Earth on August 21, 2013. He is gathering us to him, as the Harvest takes place and holding us in his hands, teaching us The Spirit of Truth, and much more. We are creatures of Light and Love. We walk in Peace, Light and Love. We share our Love and Light by reaching out to others on Earth and waking them, then showing them the way, the truth and the life. As Jesus (Joshua Ben Joseph) did when he walked this Earth thousands of years ago.

This is our purpose. This is why we are here. To restore Peace and Love to Earth and to grow and evolve, into creatures of Love and Light. Over and over again this has occurred unbeknownst to mankind and will continue forever. The soul never dies. The world will not end. There is no rapture. There is only the continuous evolution of mankind, those that are awake, propelling this world forward into a beautiful and loving world of Peace and Love. World Without End.

There is nothing to fear. We each have Guardian Angels on Earth who watch over us and protect us from all harm as we go about our daily lives here. Our Father created this beautiful Earth just for us and the other living creatures who reside here. Up until this time, we were progressing toward our divine and loving destiny. As time has passed, we have become obsessed with material wealth and possessions, developed a society that rewards us with the material, but leaves us starving in our souls, our spirits. Thus, it was time to resurrect the Son of Man, Joshua Ben Joseph. He walks the Earth this day and we shall follow him into our Father's kingdom, into Paradise, Heaven on Earth.

Copyright Susan Steeley/2014

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Harvest

The sky grows dark and the seas are rough. After all the shelling and all the screams of pain from war, disease and loss are long gone, those who are spared stand together and look around. Where is everyone else....where are the police, the medics, the doctors and nurses. Where are the injured and the dead. Where are our leaders, our governments. We are hurt and hungry and we are lost. Wait...this is what Joshua told us it would be like. We must take care of ourselves and each other. We have prepared. We have been taught the Spirit of Truth. We have grown our own food, our own shelters underground. We have worked all during the Harvest to bring as many into the fold as possible, in the hopes of saving enough of our Brothers and Sisters to rebuild this world in a way that Jesus intended for those who were left. Us. We are left. We are the ones to build a new world, a better world, a world of Peace and the Brotherhood of Man. According to The Fatherhood of Man.

Take heed my Brothers and Sisters, my friends. You are asleep in the Church. You are walking asleep through your life. I will tell you this. Jesus walks the Earth today, as the Son of Man, Joshua Ben Joseph. And he is teaching you, preparing you for the day when the Harvest is over. And it is time. It is time for the Harvest to end. And all those who put material wealth, society and the Church before Love in this world will no longer be here. Love reigns supreme. Love is all. God is unconditional Love. This world is not going to end. There will be no rapture. The soul lives on eternally. We are Spiritual Beings clothed in human flesh. And after the Harvest is done and all the grain has been stored in the barn, and all the weeds have been burned, the Loving Souls of God's children will be left to rebuild and restore this world to its beautiful and perfect condition, as it was given to us in the beginning by our Father.

Fear not, those of you who have joined Jesusanity and learned the Spirit of Truth. You are already preparing, both physically and spiritually for the shift this world is going through. You are ready to supply the leadership, the spiritual guidance, the teaching, the natural medical attention and order this world so desperately needs in these times. Look around. Can't you see it? I know you can, these are dark times, trying times, times of unwarranted fear for those of us who are awake and learning from our Brother Joshua Ben Joseph, the Truth.

It is just a matter of time. The Harvest will soon be over. The world is not ending. Far from it. For those of you who have a loving soul and a strong spirit, join us in Jesusanity and learn the Spirit of Truth, which Jesus sent back into each and every one of us to hold in our hearts and practice in our lives, preparing for this moment thousands of years ago. Only we went to sleep in the Church and we forgot it. It is time to wake up, forget everything you were taught, and begin again. Learn the Way, The Truth and The Life. Jesus. Our Father loves us all, but He will not prevent the results of the Harvest. And only those of us who have been awake will be able to survive and provide the moral, peaceful, loving and prosperous life to come on this Earth.

Love Thy God. Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself. Reach one, teach one and watch it spread. We are ALL children of God. We must strive to live as Joshua Ben Joseph (Jesus) lived when he walked this Earth eons ago. This is our purpose. We will not fail. We are ready. World Without End.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Joshua Ben Joseph

Always, I spoke to Joshua Ben Joseph. During his teaching sessions, which were pure gold. I was hanging onto his every word, going deeper and deeper into myself to find the answers to his questions. His method of teaching was like no other. He knew everything about me. Everything. I would try to tell him of my past, my less than happy childhood, my years of trying to overcome it through less than perfect ways. And that is an understatement. Always, always, he would say "Stop", "Stop", "Stop"....until I would say, "I am horribly damaged". He would tell me, "You are perfect in this moment and I do not ever want to hear about what went before this moment. It is in the past. You are here, with me, in this moment and all is well." Over and over for more than two years, he patiently told me this. Then he would begin again. He spent so much time with me every day. Never seeming to tire. Never showing frustration or even an inclination to argue with me. Just moving on in unconditional Love to teach me. Setting the example in his words to me. Because a truly exceptional teacher, and he was that, lives what they teach. He never tired, he never ate, he never slept. For over two years, he spent countless hours with me, a Catholic, gently and calmly and patiently explaining Jesusanity and Jesus to me. And finally, in a single question, "What was the very last thing Jesus said while hanging on the cross, before he died?", I knew I was beginning to get close to the truth. I came up with a couple of different answers that were not what he was looking for and he gave me two hours to go to "The Life and Teachings of Jesus" and read. So I did, and I was ready for him. I will not tell you what came next. Because it takes a very personal experience with a good teacher to come up with the answers to the questions he asked me. And even though I had suspected when I read the material on his Facebook page that what he said was the real truth about Jesus was indeed real truth, this one question and my answers and his subsequent questions and my answers rang true in my soul. And suddenly I had unlearned all I had known previously.

I will tell you a few things about Joshua Ben Joseph. Please note that as we have grown in size in Jesusanity, you will not find Joshua Ben Joseph on Facebook. You may find another who is not the real Joshua Ben Joseph, but not this man. He has become someone else in his dialog with believers, disciples, students and Teachers. But I will not share everything I know about him, because first you really must have a desire to become a Jesusonian and a desire to learn the Truth. To do that, you must first go to the website and see if you are a Jesusonian, and if you feel you are, then you go through a process to officially join Jesusanity.

We have no church, we have no formal religion and we have no tithe. The tithe is our lives. We go through many trials and tribulations, just as Jesus did. Our friends think we are crazy. Even our families may think we are crazy. We may leave Jesusanity and come back to it because the Spirit of Truth "pulls" us back from deep within our souls. We "lay down our lives" and some have quit their jobs and given up the material life to fully enter the spiritual life. So this is not something we take lightly. Having said that, I can personally tell you that I would have it no other way. This has changed me forever. I have never been closer to God, my Father, or Jesus, my Brother. I have never loved all my Brothers and Sisters more.

Joshua Ben Joseph, loosely translated, means "Son Of Joseph". It goes through many translations beginning with Yeshua and some even farther back in time. Many scholars and theologians from all "religions" have presented various original words to mean Joshua Ben Joseph. But in the end, those translations come down to "Son of Joseph". And many have asked "Who is Joshua Ben Joseph?". That was the first question that was asked of me over and over by my family and friends. So I will tell you some of what he was and now is...but he is definitely here today. How long he will stay, I do not know. That one I cannot answer. But I do know he really does have the power to lay down his life and take it up again.

Jesus was both mortal and divine. Jesus was conceived, born, lived and died as a mortal man, just like you and me. He was born Joshua Ben Joseph, on August 21st, 7 B.C., of Joseph and Mary. Joseph was a layman, a common man, a carpenter. And Mary was a virgin and therefore Jesus was conceived immaculately. Immaculate Conception refers to Mary, not Jesus. Jesus actually bestowed himself upon this earth, but was still conceived and born just like you and me. An angel really did appear to Elizabeth first and then to Mary and inform them they were both bearing Sons of God, who would be the Light of the World. John and Jesus, born as Joshua Ben Joseph.

"The Life and Teachings of Jesus" is the true story of Jesus, his birth, his childhood, his life as a young man and his recognition that he was a child of God and his purpose on this Earth. It reveals what he was thinking, where he was actually born, and how his own divinity was slowly made known to him. It is a beautiful and true lesson in Love, Peace and Humility. When you read it, it changes you forever. It is our best hope for Peace eternal on this Earth. But first you must read it.

Never believe for one moment that God, our Loving Father, would send any one of His children to this Earth with a plan for their death on the cross, a horrible painful death, to atone for the sins of man or previous mankind, princes or kings. Never. Joshua Ben Joseph knew his future and all it entailed early in his life. He chose of his own will to truly live and die as mortal man to experience all that his Brothers and Sisters on Earth would experience, and take that experience back to our Father, his and ours, in order for our Father to more deeply Love and understand His creation, mankind. Additionally, we are not born out of sin. We are born out of unconditional Love and we return to Unconditional Love when our physical bodies die. And we are here only a short time. So what we do in our journey between those two moments in time is paramount. Baptism occurs later in life, when we accept Jesus and the Spirit of Truth. And it is a joyful occasion, not a symbol saving us from sin. God, our Father, does not see sin, but merely sees mistakes because of lack of correct teaching or taking a wrong turn, a mistaken direction. We do not have to ask for His forgiveness. It is already there. We only need accept it. We are not humans possessing a soul, a spirit. We are Spiritual Beings clothed in human flesh.

Jesus (and I use both his mortal and divine name here for understanding and presenting the spiritual concept of Jesus and Joshua Ben Joseph), accomplished all that he set out to do in his lifetime in approximately 30 years. I say approximately because again, due to eons of word of mouth, mistranslation, etc...his exact age at the time of his death is up for dispute. But his life and teachings are not, and mortal man failed to recognize that Jesus tried to teach us a concept, an intangible but at the same time, very real lesson. A road map for life. And because at that time, the people did not understand, he taught in parables, or stories. They still failed to get it right. Some of the Bible is correct. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Even Peter failed Jesus in establishing the church. He had doubt and he did not want to believe that Jesus would ever die and if he did, he would return immediately and stay with us. Paul took the church in the wrong direction because of Peter's doubt.

Because Joshua Ben Joseph, a mortal man, recognized his own divinity, on the third day after his death, he arose by his own recognition of his divine power, but in a different and unrecognizable form. The apostles did not recognize him. Nevertheless, he told them he would be back, but was only here in this form for a short amount of time. He wanted to remind them of all he had taught them. Already they were arguing among themselves and asking questions that told Jesus some of them had not learned nor retained what he had taught them. Jesus ascended to our Father at the center of the universe of universes, infinite, and sent back himself into the hearts of all mankind as the Spirit of Truth. But remember, Paul already was forming the church and religion of Jesus Christ and many of us were falling asleep in the comfort of the church.

Because we have evolved to a higher level of consciousness over these thousands of years to a higher level, we have begun to question the church. Jesus never had a church. Jesus never had a religion. Jesus never had a tithe. He depended on the Earth and his Brothers and Sisters to feed him, clothe him and give him shelter. Who wrote the Bible? Jesus left not behind one single written word. Now is the time for us to wake up and learn the truth...The Spirit of Truth. This is where the Butterflies come from. From being asleep, safe and warm, in the bosom of the church, or the cocoon of the church, into being fully awake and morphing into the beautiful, gentle and Loving butterfly.

Jesus returned to this Earth on August 21st, 2013. In the form of Joshua Ben Joseph. Again, mortal man, with the spiritual concept of Jesus and the Spirit of Truth. And when he returned, he did so to set free the Spirit of Truth and wake us up to "The Life and Teachings of Jesus". Also, he returned because the Harvest was to begin. The Harvest. We are now in the Harvest. The Harvest is a difficult time, but it will come to an end and a good end. Not the end of the world. The change of the world. Some call it "the shift". But it will not be easy. It is not easy. Look around. Pay attention. It is upon us this day.

And that will be the next story I will tell you....

Copyright/Susan Steeley 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Love Lessons

Everyone is searching, searching, searching. Everyone is looking for...what...they don't know. They are not awake. They are still asleep. I was there for most of the days of my life. You have read of my journey with Jesus, which is ongoing, and you are hopefully beginning to understand what this journey entails. But, I would be remiss if I did not tell you the most important part of this journey. It is very personal and very important. It unfolds differently for each and every one of us on Earth. Because each of us is unique, even though we are all children of God, our Father. There are no chosen people. There is no chosen one. If only we unlearn what we have been taught all of our lives and become open spiritually and open our hearts to learn what we have known all along, then we are able to learn the Spirit of Truth. We are born of unconditional Love and we will return to unconditional Love. In between is the journey in the human flesh, which is temporary. The spirit, the soul, never dies. It is eternal. We hear this over and over and over from different sources, but until we fully embrace this concept of being a spiritual being contained in human flesh, we will not understand. We are not human beings with a spirit, a soul. We are spiritual beings clothed in human flesh.

The journey in human flesh teaches us many lessons in Love. The progression may be different for each of us, but some basic truths are contained in these lessons in Love. I can only tell you how these lessons evolved in my life. Your lessons may be very different than mine. And come to you at very different times in your life than they came to me. Of course, I have written of the day I met Jesus, the messages that seemed to come to me before I even heard them from my Teacher (Jesus), and how my transformation from the cocoon to the beautiful butterfly began. But Love, everything. Love is All. And as you no doubt have heard, Love is All All All. If you have experienced this type of Love born of the Spirit of Truth, you know this. If not, well...quite possibly you are sleeping and need help in awakening to the Spirit of Truth. It has changed my life. And many others.

I have alluded many times to you that I did not have a normal childhood. That is where my description of my childhood will stop at this point in my life. I only mention it for this subject. Most of us are born of parents who are our human source of teaching unconditional Love and Trust. I did not have that, and I suspect there are many of us out there who did not have it either. We are the ones who are sleeping, maybe in a career, a troubled marriage or other relationship, or the church. We have surrounded ourselves with material possessions and friends we constantly look to for approval and social activity. We stay busy. We are stretched to the limit monetarily, emotionally, physically and keep a calendar for our activities. We remain securely wrapped in our human creation of our own safe cocoon. We follow the crowd.

I remember the moment of perfect clarity that I fell in Love with God during my lessons with my spiritual Teacher. First I laughed, then I cried. Why had I never felt this way before. Where had I been all my life on this earth as a human. It was, well...indescribable. Awesome. Uplifting. Freeing. For me this was my first Love lesson.

To fall in Love with God is the most awesome and inspiring thing mortal man can accomplish in his or her lifetime. It is the realization that to find God is to go within yourself, and in turn begin to fall in Love with yourself. The indwelling God. We are all born with a part of God inside, because God created us in His image, He placed that particle of Himself within each of us. We just don't know this. We have been taught to seek God outside of ourselves, in Heaven or in others, or in books, or religion. No. We must spend time in silence, alone, and only then will we find God and hear Him speak to us. The heart pounds, it is hard to breathe, the palms get sweaty, but if we can learn to just breathe and relax, there He is in all His glory. And once we find Him, we can do it over and over and over. Sometimes, He approaches us in times of terrible tragedy, and then disappears, because we are not ready to know Him yet. This was the case for me.

So now, we are in Love with God and can call on Him at will for courage, grace, dignity, unconditional Love and so much more. Now, we also begin to Love ourselves. We want to take care of this human flesh because we want to experience more and more of this beautiful Love and Peace we have found. So we start by doing all the right things for this human flesh and we stop abusing it. We eat healthy, we live clean, we get outdoors in nature to renew the spirit, we quit smoking, we do all the right things as much as possible for this human flesh. This is falling in Love with self. Self care. Respect for the human flesh.

And how do we learn what is good for this human flesh. Jesus. I am a Jesusonian. I belong to Jesusanity. I belong to Jesus. Jesus is my teacher and my Brother. Jesus and I spent a lot of time together. Jesus was a patient and Loving Teacher. He taught me by first getting me to breathe and relax. His Love for me was unconditional. He and God were the Loving parents I did not have in my life. He and God became my foundation for my life. Jesus taught me to Love myself. Slowly, over two years and several months, Jesus spent time patiently teaching me about me. Jesus taught me how to find myself. Jesus taught me about self care by caring for me. Really caring for me as his Sister. Suddenly I felt powerful, strong, Loving, patient, conscious, and filled with Love. I fell in Love with myself. Wow. I realized I did not need anyone else. I could choose who I wanted to spend time with and how I wanted to spend that time. I could choose to let go of negative people and just walk away and never look back. I could choose to let go of negative thinking and just be happy with me and walking in the sunshine. It was all up to me and Loving myself.

And the last Love lesson came from that. I fell in Love with Love. I am still in Love with Love. You don't need another human to fall in Love. Fall in Love with Love. It is empowering and you will be happy. Because you choose to be happy. And then you blossom. You shine. You become Love, pure and golden. And Love reigns supreme. Over everything else on the face of this Earth. Love is all there is, Love is you, Love is God, your Father. Love is your Brother, Jesus. Love is every other human on the face of this Earth. Your Brothers and Sisters. Then that Love becomes brighter and brighter and shines out on this Earth. And that comes back to you, thousands, millions of times over. This is our way to lasting Peace on this Earth. This is the only answer to all that is wrong on this Earth.

Love lessons. There is a lot wrong right now on this Earth. But there are still so many out there who are praying for a way to make it right. This is the way. Jesus is truly the Way, the Truth and the Life. Love is the way. A new world is coming. A brand new world. We speak of the Harvest, which is the next lesson in my journey. We are amidst the Harvest in this world today. Learn the Love lessons....and join me in the new world when the shift comes. These words are strange to you at this moment. But you have felt something stir inside of you....I felt it also. I still feel it. The pull. The attraction to his kingdom on Earth.

Stay with me on the journey. And remember the Love lessons. Love is All, All, All......

Copyright/Susan Steeley 2014

Saturday, September 27, 2014


A long time ago, when my search began for...what...I didn't know for sure what I was searching for in my life. I was suddenly homebound, alone and lonely. Trapped. A prisoner in my own home. Unable to work. Unable to be with people. In bed all day and all night. So I became one of "those" people. Those people who spend all their time on Facebook. The lonely. The house bound. The people who had been lost and suddenly found they had a place they could go and make "Friends". So, I looked up and studied pets, dogs specifically. I've always had a little toy female dog in my life. I guess it was my parents trying to make up for so much loss and hurt in my life, at a very young age. To this day I have a little female dog. She is almost like a little person. They are all like that, little toy breed dogs. Well, so here I am on Facebook and I find the dark side. Or, what I thought was the dark side of life. Witches, warlocks, covens. But I visited their walls on Facebook over and over. These people were onto something. It was more like pagan religion, which is as old as time. Some of the things I read and loved and shared on my wall. Some of the things, well, I was very cautious in what I shared. I liked that they openly expressed unconditional love for each other. They said things like Blessed Be, and So mote it be. New experiences for me. Learning experiences. There is the dark side of life, and then you find it is not so dark after all. They cared about the environment, each other and natural medicine, food, everything natural. So I would friend and talk to them. There is some wisdom there. Some life experience.

Then I joined the Angel groups. I was with them a long time and I still am friends with them. There are many Angel groups, and they are filled with what they call Love and Light. They are pleasant, they use herbs for everything. They are into crystals and flowers and tea and prayer and the inner qualities of everyone. They and the covens I had joined seemed to communicate with each other. I learned about spirit here first. I learned to sit outside in nature and observe. Sit in the same place every day in the sun and be aware of your surroundings. Watch for you animal totems and spirits. Watch and listen for your Angels. Your spirit guides. Part witch, part Angel, part Native American culture. So I did all these things. Nothing was happening. And then one day, the most beautiful butterfly landed on me. On my arm. And it sat there for a good fifteen minutes, opening and closing its beautiful wings and, I swear, looking into my eyes. And then it was gone. Simply flew away. I felt something inside. Like it was trying to tell me something. Silly, I thought, butterflies can't talk. But then, the next day it was there again. Already on the arm of my patio chair. Like it was waiting for me. So out I went and sat down. Sure enough, it moved up and sat on my arm and seemed content to just sit there until I moved to go inside.

This went on day after day, for many days, and I thought of this butterfly as someone I had lost who was trying to talk to me in a way I could not understand. Then, one day, a huge black Raven walked up to the patio, came very close and let out this loud and jarring screeching noise. I jumped at least a foot. Then it looked at me. Stared at me. What was it trying to tell me. I had no idea. But now, daily, I had a butterfly and a Raven. So I would take a piece of bread out and feed the Raven and let the butterfly sit on my arm and we were a perfectly happy little family of sorts sitting in the sun on the patio. I talked about this in the Angel groups and everyone kept telling me this was very special and I should pay attention to my inner feelings when these creatures were with me. It seems these were my animal totems, so the Angels told me. I was skeptical. I began taking pictures of the butterfly. Beautiful, like the one above. Sitting on my Star Gazer Lilies in my flower garden. And then other butterflies started showing up. Beautiful colors, beautiful wings, small, large, unusual. All unique and different in their own way. They made me so light hearted and feel somehow comforted, better.

Well, one day I was visiting online with Joshua Ben Joseph, and I looked at his wall and he had butterflies posted all over it. And he saw a picture on my wall that he asked permission to use in Jesusanity. The picture is in the upper right hand corner here as my profile picture. It is of a young woman laying her head on a large book and butterflies are flying up out of the book and all around her. She is sleeping. He posted that picture on his Facebook page, which at that time was Joshua Ben Joseph. He posted it as his cover photo. I had no idea why he did this. Some time went by and he kept asking about my butterflies and had I been spending time in the garden with them. I said yes, and he said this was very good and he wanted me to do this every day. Which I was, so it was easy to honor his wish.  

I was reading more and more of Jesusanity on his Facebook page and I came across something that made me freeze in one spot and my eyes kept reading it over and over again and again. The transformation of those who are sleeping peacefully, into waking up and remembering their real purpose on this earth. The butterfly represents those people. You see, the caterpillar weaves his cocoon, crawls inside for the winter, is warm and protected and in the spring emerges slowly as a beautiful butterfly. Of course, how obvious it was to me at this point. Just one of the many "aha" moments on my journey. I was like the butterfly. I was still in the cocoon. I was not ready to wake up yet.

Joshua Ben Joseph. He asked me every day about my butterflies. I would take pictures of them and describe every one of them in great detail to him. He would teach me something about God and Jesus every day. We had long discussions about these things and I soaked it up like a sponge. Who was this man? Joshua Ben Joseph. I kept saying his name. His name would wake me up in the night and I would remember his words in my sleep. Powerful words. Beautiful words. Words that made me think. Make me wake up, gradually.

A little at a time I was learning. Learning the way it was supposed to be, but hadn't been. A way that rang true. A way that was right and good. A lesson every day. He spent a lot of time with me. Online in Facebook. Teaching. What a great Teacher he

What did I learn? I learned Love, compassion, understanding, respect for all peoples, but most of all I learned about me.

That's all for today. There are plenty more days to tell about this journey I am on with Joshua Ben Joseph....oh, and Joshua Ben Joseph translated roughly into English, is Son Of Joseph. And, what, do you say, has that to do with Jesus? Just wait...oh just will be with me for the rest of the journey and in time, I will tell you.....

Copyright/Susan Steeley 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

The Message

I had worked all my life, well over forty years, been married three times, had two sons and suddenly I was no longer able to work due to my health. My entire adult identity was tied to career, work, purpose. In the beginning, when I was told I could no longer work by my physicians, I was lost. I was very ill, bedridden, shut off from people. I love people, all people. How did I end up here, now, in this bed, alone. Lonely. Depressed. Just plain sick. I was so unhappy. But I thought a lot. I thought about my childhood, which was not good. I was an only child. Alone, lonely, surrounded by adults always, longing for children my age to play with, longing for brothers and sisters. So I had heard of this thing called Facebook. I set up an account on my laptop while in bed. I could sit up in bed and write. It was painful. So, in the beginning I posted very little. Wow. Suddenly all these people were messaging me and friending me and asking things about me. I developed what I considered to be a daily job. I have always loved to write and to tell jokes and develop relationships and meet new people. Perfect!

And then that day I met Jesus, you remember, the very first post on my blog. That first conversation was astounding. I was mesmerized with this Joshua Ben Joseph. He told me he was just like me. He told me his name was Roger. But, I felt something very different, deep in my soul. I felt I was learning something very valuable and that I should pay very close attention to every word he said. I was afraid, very afraid. How could I, of all the people on the face of this earth, be one of the chosen to be picked. You see, he and others had been watching me on Facebook. Reading my wall, my posts, my conversations, my friend list and how I interacted with those friends. What was important to me, how I had developed over the six months or so since I had joined Facebook and opened my account. And besides, they did not choose me, I chose to send him a friend request.

He asked me how I felt about "religion". I told him I was a convert to Catholicism. I told him the Catholic Church was the only church for me. I had been a Catholic since 2003. But, I had some issues with the Catholic Church. I did not agree with everything they were doing in 2006. You've seen it all in the news, so I won't list all those things here. Let's get back to "The Message".

He asked me about my belief system. My personal relationship with God. The Bible. Scripture. He asked me so many questions. And then he said it was no coincidence that I was speaking with him. He said there is a reason people are put in our lives. Always. A reason. And it may be some time before we realize why those people just show up and become close to us. The person who suggested I friend him was also a friend of his, and a friend of mine. Someone else who had been watching my wall and my posts. You see, every morning I gave a good morning message. I love to write, as I said before, and I love people. All people. So my message was always about Love and the day and God's beautiful earth. Then I would write a message in the evening. A good night message. I rarely missed a day over the months and years, and I still do this when I am feeling well and it is not too late. I go to bed very early.

I had been searching on Facebook. Fascinating, the knowledge of different countries, cultures, beliefs, food, everything you could learn from the people who actually lived in all those places. Different languages. Through conversation I learned to talk to anyone, anywhere with emoticons and brief occasional words that stood out in our posts. I was into Angel groups, Dark Witches and Warlocks so handsome and beautiful and pagan. So interesting. Going back in time, learning, learning, learning, so much so quickly. I was in groups that are very prestigious in other countries. I was friends with musicians who were popular in the 60's, 70's, 80's, even popular today. I found my place. My place to interact with people.

Now I will share the message I began to use at night, because the good night message I began to use and refine over and over was the reason I was chosen. And when I have time, I still use it to say good night to all my friends all over the world.

"The day is done. I did my best. I love you all. Remember to Love Thy God, Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself. We are ALL Brothers and Sisters. We are ONE. We are all children of God. We are so very small in this huge universe of universes. We need to stop the petty bickering, the arguing, the debate. It doesn't matter. We must think Bigger, much Bigger. We must see that Love and Light are the only way to survive. We must pray for Peace. My life is a prayer for Peace around the world, for all mankind. We must get this right, or we are doomed.....make it so....."

And that really is the message. Oh, and the butterflies? Oh, just wait until I tell you the story of the butterflies. It is incredible and beautiful.....

Copyright/Susan Steeley 2014

The Day I Met Jesus

I am always on Facebook. Searching. Looking for old friends and new. Reconnecting with old high school friends. Sharing recipes, pictures of the children and grandchildren. One day I was doing my usual, reading the morning posts while having my coffee, making notes, sending birthday greetings, you know, all the stuff we love to do on Facebook. I was scrolling down my wall and out of the corner of my eye I saw this picture. The one on the left here...see can you miss it. It was there, I was aware of it, but somehow I couldn't bring myself to really look. Ok. I scrolled on past it. I admit. It was so enticing. But no, my experiences with "religion" were somewhat, well...trying. By trying I mean, filled with rules that seemed to get in between me and my purpose for being at church. I mean, let's face it, I am sure you have been to church, belong to a church, or maybe just visited the church. They want you to give them money. They want you to come down to the front and confess your sins in front of God and everyone else. They want to preach to you about sin, hell and damnation. Just when you were getting into the music and feeling somewhat spiritual, your personal experience was interrupted and you lost that feeling inside, that feeling of an "ache", a "pull". Kind of like when you really fell in love the very first time. A burst of, oh...something in your heart.

So I scrolled on by and pretended to ignore it, finished my posting and other fun stuff on Facebook and chatted with some of my friends for a bit and logged off. The next morning, I got my first cup of coffee, sat down at the computer and logged in. I wrote my good morning post and started reading my notifications and answering them, you know, "like" "comment" "share".......scrolling down the page and there he was again!!!! Out of the corner of my eye I saw him, his eyes watching me, waiting...waiting for what? Well, this went on for several days. Then one morning I was into my morning  routine on Facebook and WOW, up popped this suggestion from someone I knew and was a friend that I "friend" him, specifically "Joshua Ben Joseph". I looked at the picture, I stared at the picture. Suddenly I was terrified. His eyes. The "Follow Me" at the top of the picture, like it was stamped on his forehead.

I squirmed in my seat, my palms started sweating and I just stared at him for the longest time. I thought, "What will I possibly say if he accepts my request?", "Am I good enough?", "Will he lecture me?" Oh, I was terrified. Simply terrified. And then the name. Joshua Ben Joseph? I took a very deep breath and sent him a friend request, thinking "Oh he won't accept my friend request", "He probably has so many followers he won't have time for me". But BAM, right away, there he was, saying "Good morning".......uh, now what...what should I say? I said "Good morning"....right away he started asking me questions, you know, who are you, where are you....and suddenly I thought, "What kind of a nut have I connected with here?" A perfect stranger on Facebook. All the warnings we have all heard went running through my mind. So I decided to take control of the conversation. I started asking questions, like who are you, where are you, what are you doing on Facebook, are you after women, I am married, I am a grandmother of twelve. On and on I went. He said nothing. I said I thought I had made a mistake and I am a very private person. He said "WAIT!!! Don't go...I am Roger, I am just like you. I was afraid too. When I saw the picture. Don't be afraid. I don't want anything. I just want to share with you, be friends with you".

The Day I Met Jesus. I have to tell you I did not know then what I know now. Oh, what a different person I am than I was that day. You will have to come back and read my blog every day now, because I am going to take you on a journey with me. A beautiful, wonderful, incredible journey. A very long journey, full of rich emotions and peaks and valleys. A journey you will enjoy. A journey you will love. A journey you will be yearning to read about each day as I describe what happens to me along the way.

This is only the beginning. And so we begin........