I will tell you a few things about Joshua Ben Joseph. Please note that as we have grown in size in Jesusanity, you will not find Joshua Ben Joseph on Facebook. You may find another who is not the real Joshua Ben Joseph, but not this man. He has become someone else in his dialog with believers, disciples, students and Teachers. But I will not share everything I know about him, because first you really must have a desire to become a Jesusonian and a desire to learn the Truth. To do that, you must first go to the website and see if you are a Jesusonian, and if you feel you are, then you go through a process to officially join Jesusanity.
We have no church, we have no formal religion and we have no tithe. The tithe is our lives. We go through many trials and tribulations, just as Jesus did. Our friends think we are crazy. Even our families may think we are crazy. We may leave Jesusanity and come back to it because the Spirit of Truth "pulls" us back from deep within our souls. We "lay down our lives" and some have quit their jobs and given up the material life to fully enter the spiritual life. So this is not something we take lightly. Having said that, I can personally tell you that I would have it no other way. This has changed me forever. I have never been closer to God, my Father, or Jesus, my Brother. I have never loved all my Brothers and Sisters more.
Joshua Ben Joseph, loosely translated, means "Son Of Joseph". It goes through many translations beginning with Yeshua and some even farther back in time. Many scholars and theologians from all "religions" have presented various original words to mean Joshua Ben Joseph. But in the end, those translations come down to "Son of Joseph". And many have asked "Who is Joshua Ben Joseph?". That was the first question that was asked of me over and over by my family and friends. So I will tell you some of what he was and now is...but he is definitely here today. How long he will stay, I do not know. That one I cannot answer. But I do know he really does have the power to lay down his life and take it up again.
Jesus was both mortal and divine. Jesus was conceived, born, lived and died as a mortal man, just like you and me. He was born Joshua Ben Joseph, on August 21st, 7 B.C., of Joseph and Mary. Joseph was a layman, a common man, a carpenter. And Mary was a virgin and therefore Jesus was conceived immaculately. Immaculate Conception refers to Mary, not Jesus. Jesus actually bestowed himself upon this earth, but was still conceived and born just like you and me. An angel really did appear to Elizabeth first and then to Mary and inform them they were both bearing Sons of God, who would be the Light of the World. John and Jesus, born as Joshua Ben Joseph.
"The Life and Teachings of Jesus" is the true story of Jesus, his birth, his childhood, his life as a young man and his recognition that he was a child of God and his purpose on this Earth. It reveals what he was thinking, where he was actually born, and how his own divinity was slowly made known to him. It is a beautiful and true lesson in Love, Peace and Humility. When you read it, it changes you forever. It is our best hope for Peace eternal on this Earth. But first you must read it.
Never believe for one moment that God, our Loving Father, would send any one of His children to this Earth with a plan for their death on the cross, a horrible painful death, to atone for the sins of man or previous mankind, princes or kings. Never. Joshua Ben Joseph knew his future and all it entailed early in his life. He chose of his own will to truly live and die as mortal man to experience all that his Brothers and Sisters on Earth would experience, and take that experience back to our Father, his and ours, in order for our Father to more deeply Love and understand His creation, mankind. Additionally, we are not born out of sin. We are born out of unconditional Love and we return to Unconditional Love when our physical bodies die. And we are here only a short time. So what we do in our journey between those two moments in time is paramount. Baptism occurs later in life, when we accept Jesus and the Spirit of Truth. And it is a joyful occasion, not a symbol saving us from sin. God, our Father, does not see sin, but merely sees mistakes because of lack of correct teaching or taking a wrong turn, a mistaken direction. We do not have to ask for His forgiveness. It is already there. We only need accept it. We are not humans possessing a soul, a spirit. We are Spiritual Beings clothed in human flesh.
Jesus (and I use both his mortal and divine name here for understanding and presenting the spiritual concept of Jesus and Joshua Ben Joseph), accomplished all that he set out to do in his lifetime in approximately 30 years. I say approximately because again, due to eons of word of mouth, mistranslation, etc...his exact age at the time of his death is up for dispute. But his life and teachings are not, and mortal man failed to recognize that Jesus tried to teach us a concept, an intangible but at the same time, very real lesson. A road map for life. And because at that time, the people did not understand, he taught in parables, or stories. They still failed to get it right. Some of the Bible is correct. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Even Peter failed Jesus in establishing the church. He had doubt and he did not want to believe that Jesus would ever die and if he did, he would return immediately and stay with us. Paul took the church in the wrong direction because of Peter's doubt.
Because Joshua Ben Joseph, a mortal man, recognized his own divinity, on the third day after his death, he arose by his own recognition of his divine power, but in a different and unrecognizable form. The apostles did not recognize him. Nevertheless, he told them he would be back, but was only here in this form for a short amount of time. He wanted to remind them of all he had taught them. Already they were arguing among themselves and asking questions that told Jesus some of them had not learned nor retained what he had taught them. Jesus ascended to our Father at the center of the universe of universes, infinite, and sent back himself into the hearts of all mankind as the Spirit of Truth. But remember, Paul already was forming the church and religion of Jesus Christ and many of us were falling asleep in the comfort of the church.
Because we have evolved to a higher level of consciousness over these thousands of years to a higher level, we have begun to question the church. Jesus never had a church. Jesus never had a religion. Jesus never had a tithe. He depended on the Earth and his Brothers and Sisters to feed him, clothe him and give him shelter. Who wrote the Bible? Jesus left not behind one single written word. Now is the time for us to wake up and learn the truth...The Spirit of Truth. This is where the Butterflies come from. From being asleep, safe and warm, in the bosom of the church, or the cocoon of the church, into being fully awake and morphing into the beautiful, gentle and Loving butterfly.
Jesus returned to this Earth on August 21st, 2013. In the form of Joshua Ben Joseph. Again, mortal man, with the spiritual concept of Jesus and the Spirit of Truth. And when he returned, he did so to set free the Spirit of Truth and wake us up to "The Life and Teachings of Jesus". Also, he returned because the Harvest was to begin. The Harvest. We are now in the Harvest. The Harvest is a difficult time, but it will come to an end and a good end. Not the end of the world. The change of the world. Some call it "the shift". But it will not be easy. It is not easy. Look around. Pay attention. It is upon us this day.
And that will be the next story I will tell you....
Copyright/Susan Steeley 2014
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